Our Beliefs

What We Believe

We live in a world that says anything goes. People are searching for answers. The answer is the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe it all begins with the cross. Jesus died on that old rugged cross so that we can live with Him forever in heaven. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

Cedar Baptist Church is a small, caring church that loves and gives all we can for God’s glory. We are not a perfect church, but we serve a perfect Savior. We have a long heritage of a church family that serves God and seeks His face. We are growing, but we need you. You are needed, you are wanted and we believe God has a plan for all of us. We invite you to join us in changing our community one day at a time. Come walk with us on our journey to complete the plan God has in store for us.

Holding hands together over an open Bible